Congratulations to the Canadian-supported teams of the TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call 2023: Translational Research on Cancer Epigenetics!

The CIHR Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) congratulates the three multi-national consortia with Canadian representation funded in the 2023 TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call (JTC): Translational Research on Cancer Epigenetics. TRANSCAN-3 is a European Union-led collaboration focused on high-impact translational cancer research.

With support from 24 funding partners across 19 countries, including CIHR, 13 research teams were funded in TRANSCAN-3 JTC 2023. This call represents an overall investment of almost €17M (~$25M CAD) to advance research across cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment through novel approaches grounded in cancer epigenetics.

CIHR, alongside its TRANSCAN-3 partners, is proud to support the following three consortia involving Canadian researchers:

  • REACTION: Deciphering Epigenetic Biomarkers to Identify Preleukemic Carriers at Risk, led by Dr. Julie Lessard from the Université de Montréal.
  • DC2M-TAEC: Detection, Classification, Characterization and Treatment Monitoring of Tumors by Accessible Epigenetic Classification, which includes Dr. Gelareh Zadeh from the University Health Network as a Co-Investigator.
  • EPI_T-ALL: Unveiling the Epigenetic Landscape and Therapeutic Implications of Epigenetic Modifiers in Human T-cell Leukemia Initiation and Progression, which includes Dr. Andrew P. Weng from the BC Cancer Research Institute as a Co-Investigator.

For more information, please visit the TRANSCAN-3 website.

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