Global health research: Overview

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What is global health research?

Global health research focuses in particular on the health of people living in low- and middle-income countries and also on understanding systematic factors that shape health and are inherently global. CIHR considers global health research to include the following areas:

CIHR and global health research

CIHR's Strategic Plan 2021-2031, A Vision for a Healthier Future, emphasizes the commitment to pursue health equity through research to improve inequitable health outcomes while driving progress on global health research on the world stage.

Because the health of people everywhere also affects the health of Canadians, applications in global health research are eligible for CIHR funding.

CIHR continues to integrate global health research across its programs and initiatives in an effort to grow capacity in this space. From 2000 to 2019, CIHR invested over $450 million in global health research initiatives, which supported more than 1,900 grants.

CIHR funds research with a focus on global health through both priority-driven as well as investigator-initiated grant competitions. Please see International and global health: Frequently asked questions for further information on ways global health and international researchers can engage with CIHR.

Global Health 3.0: CIHR's Framework for Action on Global Health Research outlines how CIHR will strengthen the alignment of global health research and policy domestically and internationally to drive mutual benefits from global research and innovation. The Framework was developed through an extensive consultation process that engaged over 400 researchers and stakeholders to better understand Canada's challenges and opportunities in global health research. Over the next five years, CIHR will work to strengthen the alignment of global health research and policy, grow global health research capacity and excellence, and promote transformative impact in the prevention of non-communicable diseases; sex, gender and health; and health emergencies.

Recent CIHR global health initiatives

A range of skills and expertise is needed to tackle issues like climate change or infectious diseases that affect the health of Canadians and populations worldwide. For this reason, Canadian researchers are encouraged to work with partners in every country of the world to achieve the greatest health impacts and equity for all.

Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness (Glopid-R)

Glopid-R: CIHR is a member of GloPID-R, a worldwide network of research funders, that facilitates coordinated investment to improve preparedness and a rapid research response to epidemics and pandemics.

Women RISE

Women RISE Women's health and economic empowerment for a COVID-19 Recovery that is Inclusive, Sustainable and Equitable) is an initiative co-led by CIHR, Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

This new global health initiative supports action-oriented research on how women's health and their work (paid or unpaid) intersect and interact in the context of preparing, responding to and recovering from COVID-19.

Global health planning grants

These grants support planning activities that facilitate the development of research partnerships and projects that could subsequently be funded by CIHR or other funders that are relevant to global health research.

Learn more about Global Health planning grants

Health Research Rapid Response

To ensure that Canada is adequately prepared to respond to urgent health research threats in a timely and coordinated manner, CIHR received support for an Emerging Health Threats Research Fund. The fund supports a series of complementary research activities by issuing research grants to Canadian researchers in order to mitigate or prevent the harm posed by potential or emerging health threats.

Learn more about Health Research Rapid Response

Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI)

This initiative seeks to address the prevalence of non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular and respiratory disease, diabetes and mental health issues, through a Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) approach. DOHaD methodologies examine the way environmental factors interact with our genetics during conception, fetal life, infancy and childhood, and how these interactions affect health later in life.

Learn more about Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative

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